Senior Co-living | A New Trend in Hawaii?

Co-living is a unique experience that can benefit both Homeowner and Renter

Maybe it’s the high cost of living in many places — especially in Hawaii. Or maybe it’s also a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Maybe it’s both! But either way, a new trend is clear: seniors who live alone are considering roommates.

Co-Living and Co-habitation

In a co-living arrangement, people choose to cohabitate in a single dwelling. Typically, each resident has a private bedroom and bathroom, but other rooms, including the kitchen, dining, and living room are shared. Co-Living can be a synchrony of the two aspects of people living together: the shared physical space and also the shared values.

Often seniors who implement co-living are homeowners who desire additional income and companionship. On the flip side, renters can reduce their housing costs and enjoy a higher quality of life by seeking out a co-living arrangement.

Multigenerational homes

In Hawaii, our local culture has long recognized the utility of co-living in the form of multigenerational housing, whether by choice or by necessity. Hawaii leads the nation in the prevalence of multigenerational homes, which combines extended relatives under one roof. Some consider the local way of living as “ohana” not only covering the immediate family, but also the extended family. Others may need to do it because they are priced out of paradise. With Hawaii having the highest cost of living in the country, living together can save a lot of money. It may not work for everyone, but it is definitely a viable option.

A possible solution for seniors

Co-living may be a solution for seniors who may want to remain in their own home, even if they might not want to live with family or don’t have family on-island with whom to live.

Co-living can help us counter the typical narrowing of experiences, freedom, autonomy, and adventure that comes along with age. With clear, thoughtful, and written agreements between roommates, co-living can encourage a new way of thinking and living that is deeply fulfilling and financially accessible!


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Judy Sobin

Principal Broker


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