Happy Holidays and Wishing you a prosperous New Year
Will Work-from-Home Continue After COVID-19?
Many economists believe that widescale work-from-home will continue even after the coronavirus vaccine is rolled out. It seems to be working and workers seem to be happy with it. According to Michael Schwarz, Chief Economist for Microsoft, productivity is no worse than it was prior to “work at home”—and much better than expected!
A recent Harvard survey, unsurprisingly, indicates that only 25% of those now at home would prefer to work in the office. Only 11% of those who could work remotely want to go back to the workplace. Nearly 90% want “work from home jobs” or some combination of home and office.
From my (very) informal personal survey, I believe these percentages are likely similar for Honolulu workers who have been able to work from home. It does not seem like many folks are anxious to get back to the office!
Extracurricular Activities During the Pandemic
Here’s a sampling from our family:

Raising the Roof! (photos of Cavin, Keagan, Mason and Easton)
The Yoshino-Lime family is completing a strong roof over their yard to create a beautiful outdoor recreation room.
Finishing Touches on the Refuse Container Area
Jeff is completing the plantings around the concrete deck we created earlier this year to house the refuse containers.
Season of Giving and Thanks

I feel so fortunate to have been able to give blood throughout the year – particularly this year, as there has been so much need. When I am at the Blood Bank I am overwhelmed by the number of recovered COVID patients who are well enough to donate their plasma to heal others.
I know many of you are donating to all sorts of wonderful causes, and not everyone can give blood. If you can, please donate—just call 808-845-9966. (This might be the one charity where the phrase “give ‘til it hurts” doesn’t apply!)
Thank you so much for reading. My family and I wish you all the best for a healthy and happy holiday season and a prosperous new year!